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Avocado shrimp Avocat crevettes

Avocado, shrimp, mayonnaise, ketchup Avocat, crevettes, mayonnaise, ketchup


Avocado, shrimp, mayonnaise, ketchup Avocat, crevettes, mayonnaise, ketchup

Salmon tartare Tartare de saumon

Fresh salmon, citrus fruits, avocado Saumon frais, agrumes, avocat


Fresh salmon, citrus fruits, avocado Saumon frais, agrumes, avocat

Honey goat cheese toast Toast chèvre miel

Green salad, toasted bread, goat droppings, honey Salade verte, pain toastée, crottins de chèvre, miel


Green salad, toasted bread, goat droppings, honey Salade verte, pain toastée, crottins de chèvre, miel

Burrata Burrata

Basil, olive oil, burrata, pine nuts Basilic, huile d'olive, burrata, pignons de pin


Basil, olive oil, burrata, pine nuts Basilic, huile d'olive, burrata, pignons de pin

The BHR plate - to share Assiette The BHR - à partager

Burrata, assortment of cold meats, anchovies Burrata, assortiment de charcuterie, anchois


Burrata, assortment of cold meats, anchovies Burrata, assortiment de charcuterie, anchois

Cesar salad Salade césar

Croutons, breaded chicken, parmesan, Caesar sauce, dried walnuts, cherry tomatoes Croutons, poulet pané, parmesan, sauce césar, noix sec, tomates cerises


Croutons, breaded chicken, parmesan, Caesar sauce, dried walnuts, cherry tomatoes Croutons, poulet pané, parmesan, sauce césar, noix sec, tomates cerises

Nordic salad Salade nordique

Green salad, smoked salmon, avocado, tomato, lamp egg, pink shrimp Salade verte, saumon fumé, avocat, tomate, œuf de lampes, crevettes roses


Green salad, smoked salmon, avocado, tomato, lamp egg, pink shrimp Salade verte, saumon fumé, avocat, tomate, œuf de lampes, crevettes roses

Lyonnaise salad Salade Lyonnaise

Green salad, croutons, bacon, poached egg, pine nuts Salade verte, croutons, lardons, œuf poché, pignon de pin


Green salad, croutons, bacon, poached egg, pine nuts Salade verte, croutons, lardons, œuf poché, pignon de pin

Your choice: Linguine, Riggatoni, Tagliatelle Au choix : Linguine, Riggatoni, Tagliatelles

Your choice: Linguine, Riggatoni, Tagliatelle Au choix : Linguine, Riggatoni, Tagliatelles

Salmon pastry Pâte au saumon

Creamy sauce, fresh salmon, smoked salmon Sauce crémée, saumon frais, saumon fumé


Creamy sauce, fresh salmon, smoked salmon Sauce crémée, saumon frais, saumon fumé

Truffle forest paste Pâte forestière à la truffe

Creamy sauce, truffle cream, minced chicken Sauce crémée, crème de truffe, émincé de poulet


Creamy sauce, truffle cream, minced chicken Sauce crémée, crème de truffe, émincé de poulet

Arrabiata pastry Pâte à l'arrabiata

Fresh tomato sauce, garlic, minced beef Sauce tomate fraiche, ail, émincée de bœuf


Fresh tomato sauce, garlic, minced beef Sauce tomate fraiche, ail, émincée de bœuf

Gorgonzola paste Pâte gorgonzola

Gorgonzola cream sauce, cheese shavings Sauce crémée gorgonzola, copeaux de fromage


Gorgonzola cream sauce, cheese shavings Sauce crémée gorgonzola, copeaux de fromage

Gnocchi with truffle Gnocchi à la truffe

Truffle cream, cream sauce, burrata, cheese shavings Crème de truffe, sauce crémée, burrata, copeaux de fromage


Truffle cream, cream sauce, burrata, cheese shavings Crème de truffe, sauce crémée, burrata, copeaux de fromage

Risotto au gambas Risotto au gambas

Creamy sauce, prawns Sauce crémée, gambas


Creamy sauce, prawns Sauce crémée, gambas

Chicken risotto Risotto poulet

Creamy sauce, chicken, mushrooms Sauce crémée, poulet, champignon


Creamy sauce, chicken, mushrooms Sauce crémée, poulet, champignon

Gorgonzola risotto Risotto gorgonzola

Creamy sauce, gorgonzola Sauce crémée, gorgonzola


Creamy sauce, gorgonzola Sauce crémée, gorgonzola

Risotto au saumon Risotto au saumon

Creamy sauce, fresh salmon, smoked salmon Sauce crémée, saumon frais, saumon fumé


Creamy sauce, fresh salmon, smoked salmon Sauce crémée, saumon frais, saumon fumé

Prawns on a sea bass fillet Gambas sur son filet de bar

Sea bass fillet, prawns, citrus fruits, lobster sauce Filet de bar, gambas, agrumes, sauce homard


Sea bass fillet, prawns, citrus fruits, lobster sauce Filet de bar, gambas, agrumes, sauce homard

Grilled salmon steak Pavé de saumon grillé

Parsley sauce, 1 side dish of your choice Sauce persillé, 1 accompagnement au choix


Parsley sauce, 1 side dish of your choice Sauce persillé, 1 accompagnement au choix

Normandy escalope Escalope à la Normande

Chicken escalope, mushroom sauce, 1 side dish of your choice Escalope de volaille, sauce champignon, 1 accompagnement au choix


Chicken escalope, mushroom sauce, 1 side dish of your choice Escalope de volaille, sauce champignon, 1 accompagnement au choix

Gorgonzola escalope Escalope gorgonzola

Poultry escalope, gogrgonzola sauce, 1 side dish of your choice Escalope de volaille, sauce gogrgonzola, 1 accompagnement au choix


Poultry escalope, gogrgonzola sauce, 1 side dish of your choice Escalope de volaille, sauce gogrgonzola, 1 accompagnement au choix

Milanese escalope Escalope Milanaise

Breaded chicken escalope, pesto rosso sauce, fresh lemon, 1 side dish of your choice Escalope de poulet panée, sauce pesto rosso, citron frais, 1 accompagnement au choix


Breaded chicken escalope, pesto rosso sauce, fresh lemon, 1 side dish of your choice Escalope de poulet panée, sauce pesto rosso, citron frais, 1 accompagnement au choix

Grilled rib steak Entrecôte grillée

1 side dish and 1 sauce of your choice 1 accompagnement et 1 sauce aux choix


1 side dish and 1 sauce of your choice 1 accompagnement et 1 sauce aux choix

Cut of beef Filet de bœuf

1 side dish and 1 sauce of your choice 1 accompagnement et 1 sauce aux choix


1 side dish and 1 sauce of your choice 1 accompagnement et 1 sauce aux choix

Lamb shank Souris d'agneau

Served over mashed potatoes, 1 side dish of your choice Servie sur une purée de pomme de terre, 1 accompagnement au choix


Served over mashed potatoes, 1 side dish of your choice Servie sur une purée de pomme de terre, 1 accompagnement au choix

Duck breast Magret de canard

1 side dish, onion confit sauce - Subject to availability 1 accompagnement, sauce confite au oignons - Selon la disponibilité


1 side dish, onion confit sauce - Subject to availability 1 accompagnement, sauce confite au oignons - Selon la disponibilité

Oven Roasted Camembert Camembert Rôti au four

Accompanied by fries, salad, cold meats Accompagnée de frites, salade, charcuterie


Accompanied by fries, salad, cold meats Accompagnée de frites, salade, charcuterie

Accompaniement Accompagnement

Gratin dauphinois, grilled vegetables, homemade fries, pasta, salad Gratin dauphinois, légumes grillée, frites maison, pâte, salade

Gratin dauphinois, grilled vegetables, homemade fries, pasta, salad Gratin dauphinois, légumes grillée, frites maison, pâte, salade

Nos sauces Nos sauces

Pepper sauce, mushroom sauce, gorgonzola sauce, truffle sauce (+4€) Sauce poivre, sauce champignons, sauce gorgonzola, sauce à la truffe (+4€)

Pepper sauce, mushroom sauce, gorgonzola sauce, truffle sauce (+4€) Sauce poivre, sauce champignons, sauce gorgonzola, sauce à la truffe (+4€)

Chicken avocados Chicken avocats

Breaded chicken fillet, guacamole, salad, cheddar, burger sauce, tartar sauce Filet de poulet pané, guacamole, salade, cheddar, sauce burger, sauce tartare


Breaded chicken fillet, guacamole, salad, cheddar, burger sauce, tartar sauce Filet de poulet pané, guacamole, salade, cheddar, sauce burger, sauce tartare


Ground steak 1809, double bacon, cheddar, chutney, burger sauce Steack haché 1809, double bacon, cheddar, chutney, sauce burger


Ground steak 1809, double bacon, cheddar, chutney, burger sauce Steack haché 1809, double bacon, cheddar, chutney, sauce burger

4 cheeses 4 fromages

Chopped steak 1809, camembert, gorgonzola, goat cheese Steack haché 1809, camembert, gorgonzola, chèvre


Chopped steak 1809, camembert, gorgonzola, goat cheese Steack haché 1809, camembert, gorgonzola, chèvre


Ground steak 1809, breaded chicken, burger sauce, tartar sauce, chutney, cheddar Steack haché 1809, poulet pané, sauce burger, sauce tartare, chutney, cheddar


Ground steak 1809, breaded chicken, burger sauce, tartar sauce, chutney, cheddar Steack haché 1809, poulet pané, sauce burger, sauce tartare, chutney, cheddar

Chocolate fondant Fondant au chocolat


Caramel Speculos Tiramisu Tiramisu Spéculos caramel


Creme brulee Crème brulée


White Lady Dame blanche


Chocolate mousse Mousse au chocolat


Pana Cotta Pana Cotta


Gourmet coffee Café gourmand


Gourmet tea Thé gourmand


Lunch menu - Except weekends Menu du midi - Hors week-end

Starter of the day + Dish of the day or dish of the day + dessert of the day Entrée du jour + Plat du jour ou plat du jour + dessert du jour


Starter of the day + Dish of the day or dish of the day + dessert of the day Entrée du jour + Plat du jour ou plat du jour + dessert du jour

Menu Paul Bert Menu Paul Bert

Starter of your choice + risotto or escalope or salmon steak + dessert of your choice (excluding the BHR plate) Entrée au choix + risotto ou escalope ou pavé de saumon + dessert au choix (Hors assiette the BHR)


Starter of your choice + risotto or escalope or salmon steak + dessert of your choice (excluding the BHR plate) Entrée au choix + risotto ou escalope ou pavé de saumon + dessert au choix (Hors assiette the BHR)

Menu BHR Menu BHR

Starter or salad of your choice + Main course of your choice + Dessert of your choice (excluding the BHR plate) Entrée ou salade au choix + Plat au choix + Dessert au choix (Hors assiette the BHR)


Starter or salad of your choice + Main course of your choice + Dessert of your choice (excluding the BHR plate) Entrée ou salade au choix + Plat au choix + Dessert au choix (Hors assiette the BHR)

Children's menu Menu enfant

Cheese burger or bambino dough + Chocolate bar or scoop of ice cream + capri-sun Cheese burger ou pâte bambino + Barre chocolaté ou boule de glace + capri-sun


Cheese burger or bambino dough + Chocolate bar or scoop of ice cream + capri-sun Cheese burger ou pâte bambino + Barre chocolaté ou boule de glace + capri-sun

you Jus

Orange, pineapple, strawberry, apricot, apple Orange, ananas, fraise, abricot, pomme


Orange, pineapple, strawberry, apricot, apple Orange, ananas, fraise, abricot, pomme

Coca cola, coca cola zero, Coca Cola cherry Coca cola, coca cola zéro, Coca Cola cherry


Fanta, Ice tea, Oasis, Lemonade Fanta, Ice tea, Oasis, Limonade


Evian - 75cl Evian - 75cl


Orangina, Schweppes Orangina, Schweppes


Perrier Perrier


San Pellegrino San Pellegrino


Milkshake Milkshake

Vanilla ice cream + 1 topping and 1 ingredient of your choice Glace vanille + 1 nappage et 1 ingrédient au choix


Vanilla ice cream + 1 topping and 1 ingredient of your choice Glace vanille + 1 nappage et 1 ingrédient au choix

Topping Nappage

Caramel, Chocolate, Red fruits Caramel, Chocolat, Fruits rouges


Caramel, Chocolate, Red fruits Caramel, Chocolat, Fruits rouges

Delicacies Gourmandises

Twix, Snickers, Oreo, Kinder Bueno, Speculos, Schoko-Bons, Kit-Kat, Suede Twix, Snickers, Oréo, Kinder Bueno, Spéculos, Schoko-Bons, Kit-Kat, Daim


Twix, Snickers, Oreo, Kinder Bueno, Speculos, Schoko-Bons, Kit-Kat, Suede Twix, Snickers, Oréo, Kinder Bueno, Spéculos, Schoko-Bons, Kit-Kat, Daim

Fruits Fruits

Strawberry, Banana, Raspberry, Pineapple Fraise, Banane, Framboise, Ananas


Strawberry, Banana, Raspberry, Pineapple Fraise, Banane, Framboise, Ananas

Café Café


Cappuccino Cappucino


Mint flavored tea Thé à la menthe


Viennese chocolate Chocolat viennois
